You were an angel,
a thought floating over,
I saw you smiling,
on that day of December.
Intoxicated by your eyes,
I fell for you,
you had the smile of a thousand stars,
empathetic among few.
We hardly talked,
it was tough to open up,
the words unspoken,
the feelings locked up.
I was clueless,
when you asked the question,
I had a million thoughts,
running through my head.
In the end,
I gave in,
I accepted the fact,
and too expressed my feelings.
Not sure, if we made a mistake,
that came back to haunt me,
a pain,
like the hurricane in the sea.
I can’t forget,
the times we laughed together,
I can’t forget,
the times we cried together,
I don’t know,
when the darkness clouded us,
when it became so hard,
to survive any longer.
I pushed myself so hard,
the tears gave way to the pain,
you said nothing,
and got lost along the way.
I still don’t know,
why you came into my life?
Why did we promise,
to stand the test of time?
I know,
love hurts in a thousand ways,
what makes it strong,
is the one thing that betrays.
I’m done with this love,
was not born for it,
I keep losing people,
I think they don’t deserve me.
Image by Pexels (user:Pexels) from Pixabay
Synopsis: A poem about pain in love. It is about the unfulfilled promises between the two people in love and the fact that sometimes love needs to be sacrificed for certain reasons.