Another day goes by
Lost under the black skies
Bloody and painful
With the denial and the plight
The seasons come and go by
Washed away by the shadows of the distant light
The secrets are blatantly kept aside
And bittersweet memories always alight
The reasons
Are somewhat hard to find
Life and death
Travel parallel with the time
Your dignified image
Often reflects the scorched past
The roots of vehement desires
Burn the cohesive path
All the growing up
Was not just a walk in the park
The filial aspirations
Are now to be handled as a task
Happiness is just an illusion
That intermittently smiles
Sadness is the reality
That is secretly obliged
Obstruction and orchestration
Will be our friends for life
Until punitive actions will become the venom
For the sins and the lies
All the bad things need to be despised
Your strength will be the ultimate test of time
Image by Lars_Nissen_Photoart (user:Lars_Nissen) from Pixabay
Synopsis: A poem about reality of life. It is about the fake, distressed, and miserable life that we are living. It focusses on what needs to be done to overcome such a miserable condition.