Strangulated by the roots of corruption and hypocrisy, today, India bleeds more than ever before. It paints the picture even worse than the times when it was under the clutches of the British Empire. Corruption and crimes in India have become a part of our day-to-day life.
The ideas of independence, liberalism, sovereignty, and, most importantly, democracy have perished somewhere in the pretenses and alibis of raw power. Stunned by the profanity that the Government has been impinging upon society, today we see an awakening, outrage, and an outpour of the millions craving for justice and peace.
Time after a girl is brutally raped and injured beyond imagination in the country’s capital, such a ghastly act, the people are asking for a change, a reformation. Questions and doubts are being raised about the safety of women, corruption, and lack of action on the perpetrators. But this kind of outroar against corruption and crimes in India is not the first one. In recent years, people have raised their voices, though less intense, against the various crimes and corruption in our country.
So many case files are still rotting in the courts with no outcome. Many crimes in India still need to be highlighted, but the fight and hopes float on the unpredictable future. The authorities have always used rhetoric and cheap tactics to turn the tables in their favor. Political leaders and police give false assurances whenever the people raise their voices against crime and injustice. They want to get elected for the hunger for power and don’t really care about society, people, corruption, crimes, and victims.
Our system has become more corrupt and useless in the last few years. The common man is facing so many difficulties just to get a simple job done. Following the right methods and rules has become useless. No work is done without a bribe or fulfilling personal desires. There is no integrity and self-respect left.
Will the Government stand up and use their power in the right direction this time after the national outburst? Will people persist with these protests, or will they surrender in apathy? These questions haunt me today. I know it will be tough to bring about a change immediately, but at least we can start taking steps in minimizing the corruption and crimes in our country.
As said earlier, rapes and corruption are not the only concern in our country. Acts like sexual harassment, brutal murders, mob lynching, communal hatred, honor killing, etc. are some of the other prevalent issues. Terrorism (in various forms), dowry, child labor, female feticide, and human trafficking also add to the unwanted list.
Authorities either try to be evasive or go into the same loop of appealing to the people to give them more time when they should actually take a proactive approach towards containing and solving the issues in the country. All we hear are the sad stories of the victims and families running from pillar to post for years to find justice. Some even succumb to the misery, fighting and waiting for the outcome.
Today, even sports and sportspersons are getting affected because of the intentions of monetary pleasures and cravings for power. The recent ban by IOC (International Olympic Committee) has crippled the talent that hardly gets a platform to showcase its skills. Football, hockey (our national sport), basketball, volleyball, etc. all suffer from lack of funds, and players are in pathetic condition. The condition of our women’s sportspersons is even worse looking at any sport. Only men’s cricket is one sport that flourishes in our country.
We have so many debatable points on the table, but the bottom line is that we lack conviction and killer instinct. Digging deep, we can’t only blame the authorities for the atrocities that are prevailing in the “Shining India,” we also need to get our basics right and think about fundamental issues. Lack of proper education, the misery of poverty, lack of equality between boys and girls, lack of morality or virtues, etc. are some of the significant concerns that should be addressed at the grass-root level.
The corruption has slowly engulfed the common man due to the lack of jobs, proper salary, and thriving conditions. In fact, the lack of jobs and poor living conditions are among the prime causes of crimes in India. It would take a considerable endeavor to eradicate the fallacies. The personal interests of some politicians, police officers, and bureaucrats lead to a delay in justice and proper action.
Corruption and crimes in India are increasing day by day and eating us bit by bit. Our nation truly needs reformation. It needs a transparent corruption-free system and speedy justice. It is fascinating to see that our judicial system gives so many options to the accused to fight against the judgment, whereas the victim only waits for justice for years, living in misery. Most of the perpetrators live a normal life out on bail and years pass for the judgment to be pronounced, its review in higher courts, and finally implementation.
Fast track courts for immediate conviction, individual sessions in parliament for the amendment of laws, and capital punishment for the accused of heinous crimes are some of the points that need to be taken care of immediately.
Our politicians, the ones that we ourselves elected, today, are being called cowards and mere puppets in the hands of influential people. The world is mocking our integrity.
Will we be able to drill some sense into this Government? Will we get our fundamental rights in place? Will our protests go in vain? Will we able to do something about increasing corruption and crimes in India?
The questions may or may not be answered in days to come. But surely, people have started to stand up for their rights and immediate justice. The youth and every other citizen of this country want a FEARLESS INDIA, rather than a PASSIVE INDIA.
Image by Ulrike Mai (user:Counselling) from Pixabay
Synopsis: A blog post written during the time when serious protests are going on across the country due to the heinous and ghastly rape of a girl in India’s capital – New Delhi.
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