Every day, every minute, you go through different emotions. A part of us that nobody can take away or easily understand. Emotions are derived from feelings which are further derived from relationships, mood, and circumstances. Emotions are generally strong feelings. Happiness, sadness, anger, hurt, etc. bring out various types of emotions. On The Unprecedented Cult, it is all about penning down the raw feelings. Thus, TUC is carved out of poems and songs that relate to emotions, expressions, and experiences.
I have always believed that you can’t be attached to a piece of writing if it is not raw and if it does not resonate with your true feelings and experiences. In order to write poetry or song lyrics around emotions, every part of your soul and every drop of your blood should contain the essence of what you have gone through in life. Without it, you would not be able to send across the required message to the readers. The poems and song lyrics on TUC are not written or molded as per the readers’ expectations. The writings are purely raw and contain the exact feelings as I felt in a particular situation and that is what is important.
In this post, we will talk about the top 10 poems about emotions that have been published on The Unprecedented Cult.
So, sit back and enjoy the intense ride of poetry collection.
#1 – Bittersweet: The Past
One of my favorite poems that brings out the needed emotions in the situation. A short poem about the bittersweet memories of the past. It showcases the scenario where the person wishes to cherish the good old memories but always end up stuck thinking about the bad ones.

I can feel the air
but can’t breathe,
I can see the light
but can’t reach,
I’ve always
pushed the life away from me,
my unsaid words
leave me hurting
more than the cuts underneath.
It’s so unforgiving,
life never shows its true meaning,
the night and day
follow their routine,
but every second
paints a new picture for me.
I’ve tried
to push it back in pain,
and the haze of it
blinds my faith.
I search for reality
all the time,
can’t trust my senses anymore
as I live in disguise.
Feel like talking to someone,
feel emotionless,
every word that comes out,
encapsulates a thousand pages of my regret.
I want to speak my mind,
but all that comes out is a lie.
I try to be calm,
but the misery boils
and takes away my life.
I want to relive
the moments I left in the past,
I want to go back
as this phase of life is wrapped in the dark.
I want to find
the best that resided in me,
but every time I push it back,
I am left drenched in those hurting memories.
#2 – The Survival: A Burning Past
One of the poems that are intense and full of emotions. It talks about the victim of an abusive relationship and dark memories related to it. The poem ends with the hope that someday the victim would be able to overcome the misery and live a peaceful life.

The weight of the life you gave,
I still walk alone and see my hopes decay.
The faces that whisper in my head,
are the ones I thought I left behind, dead.
Frozen by those words, they still tear me apart,
and a chill in my spine pulls me into the dark.
Sitting with the doors shut, this screaming silence,
it reminds me of the creation of your uncalled violence.
Remember, how you hurt me and took away the heaven,
I’ve been crawling since and searching for redemption.
I’m scattered on your floor like pieces of the glass,
trying to pick myself up, what’s left in me to last.
I’ve drowned and burnt in your presence,
the things you did to me never made any sense.
You’ve used me as an object to be played,
the egoistic attitude in you was the truth you never ate.
Living the life on the terms you created,
you never saw the hurting life in me that was fading.
I’ve fought with this world all alone,
but you never saw the pain, that crippled me to the bones.
I’ve tried to overcome the memories you infused in me,
but you still stand there and mock my burning eulogy.
I’m looking for a path to start afresh,
a world, where will be peace and tranquil rest.
I’m looking for a place to call home,
a reason to be alive and to heal my wounds.
#3 – The Hunted: Sad Truth
One of the dark poems about emotions. It showcases the life of a depressed person and how he/she is dragging through it. Living a dual life, loss of hope, misery, hurt, pain, suffocation, and thoughts about death are the key components of this poem.

The skies cried the day I was born,
a jewel of pain added to his crown.
A grave dug but filled up with disgust,
a shame walking on this bare earth.
A friend of despair and cold life,
the darkness and death walk by my side.
The wolves howl over my head,
I’m already and can’t be twice dead.
My bones crushed by the taunting words,
the light you throw is my living curse.
All the screams and suffocation inside,
this uncanny blood of sorrow never subsides.
The mask I wear is for myself to survive,
you still somehow open the wounds I left behind.
The world I live in has grey skies,
the happiness I seek is an illusion of my mind.
I feel you crawling under my skin,
the venom of inferiority you push within.
I walk alongside you man to man,
but you mock me as if I am a walking dead.
I’m the hunter who is hunted in your jungle,
like a carcass that rots and pounced by a scavenger.
There is nothing left for me here, no more,
the kingdom you created was never my home.
#4 – Lost Paradise: A Blissful Past
A poem about past, present and contrast between the two. The poem talks about commercialization and how it has impacted the life of the people. The narrator delves into the past where everything was beautiful, peaceful, calm, and full of happiness but now in the present, the scenario has changed. All we can find is fast paced life, no socialization, the houses changed into skyscrapers, and nature destroyed for human greed. One of the poems that oozes emotions and sends a message.

Turning back the pages,
the lost book of light,
a torn picture of this place,
dusted with time.
Where the sparrows chirped,
and cuckoo sang in the daylight,
is now barren,
and wrapped in the city lights.
The smell of the soil, where
walked freely in the garden,
is now a desert,
blazed and molten.
Where the flowers blossomed,
and danced into the sunset,
are now lost,
somewhere beneath the surface.
The people shared smiles,
the pain and the grief,
all that’s left now is,
the loneliness and the lost peace.
Where the houses were scenic,
and painted around lush greenery,
have turned into skyscrapers,
carved out of heartless stones and machinery.
The wells and clay pots,
were enough to defeat the heat,
now embarks there,
the intoxication and desperate needs.
Where the rains were abundant,
and ran the cool breeze,
lies now is a dry picture
of plague and disease.
Sitting here,
looking out of the window,
there is a hurting silence,
and a feeling of lost hope.
The sun,
hides behind the walls,
it stabs,
and watches my tears fall.
It feels,
I never belonged here,
the memories are torn,
and those people have banished.
The loneliness,
knocks on the door,
trying to occupy the corners,
where once happiness resided.
#5 – Throne of the elite: Hollow Society
One of the poems that brings out the intense emotions relating to hatred and anger. The poem talks about the pretence and hypocrisy in the so called “high society”. It depicts that people of such a society wear a mask where they pretend to be having high morals, sophistication, and good thinking, but actually, that is not the case. Of course, this can’t be generalized.

Seen your life,
the hypocrisy,
the face you show
hiding the reality.
The steps you take
are muddied by the lies,
and you show the world
the proud sacrifice.
Wearing sophistication,
you greed for attention,
living to judge,
you despise your own creation.
The arrogance on your face
is hollow to the core,
you might own the throne,
but are shallow and alone.
You feed on the weak,
the charity, the plight,
but all you want is
to crush and rise.
Selling your pride,
devouring the honor,
you stab your soul,
to embrace the power.
like the God, a mystic,
all’s left in you
is a devil and a sadistic.
I see you
and what you are,
but I prefer my life,
born out of truth and scars.
The air around you
will fade one day,
the truth you deny
but won’t escape,
your pride
will then take you down,
and in the end,
you will surrender your throne.
#6 – Burn to the ground: Beast Incarnate
One of the intense poems relating to emotions. The poem talks about the life of a depressed person which is filled with misery and darkness. The person here is raging with frustration and helplessness while living such a life.

Blood of the dead,
in my veins,
memories buried,
rot and decay.
the vulnerable vault,
the wolves of past,
tear my walls.
Comatose dawns,
I dive into the void,
hit by the loneliness,
I feel paranoid.
Running from the shadows,
hiding in the dark,
a hand pierces the chest,
takes out my heart.
The Satan,
crushes my core,
is infused within,
my skin and bones.
Killing myself,
over and over again,
every part of me,
cries of black and pain.
The volcano inside,
burns my name,
waiting to erupt,
to set the world ablaze.
Breaking apart,
words waiting to roar,
I’ll burn to ashes,
till this life’s no more.
Hurt within,
I’ll make you cry out loud,
screaming till my last breath,
till everything burns to the ground.
#7 – Silence Speaks: That Night
An intense poem relating to love, hurt, and pain. The poem talks about the situation where a person going through depression was not able to share his/her darkness with the person he/she loved. This communication gap lead to breakup between the two.

It feels like I’m still here,
just another day when I was broken,
when I walked down this road.
A pain in my heart, tears in my eyes,
pitch-black scene, and that dark night.
The cold breeze and the grey clouds,
my friends, in the space called silence.
I was numb,
not sure what was going through my head,
but I knew, I’ll never be the same again.
I wanted to reach out to you,
but you couldn’t understand what I was going through.
Never wanted to hurt you, put you through any pain,
just wanted to scream out loud and let you know,
how broken I was without you.
No feelings left,
torn apart,
walking with the silence, was solace in the dark.
Now, I’ve come a long way,
still, these streets haunt like ghosts,
and I am still standing at the crossroads.
I’m not afraid, no more,
it’s hard to revive me again.
Looking back at what I lost,
it’s another story of my pain.
#8 – You: The Special One
One of the poems about true love and emotions. It showcases the commitment of a person and what he/she can do to help the person he/she loves to overcome the dark phase in life.

You just crossed my mind again,
it’s so hard for you to be in this place,
the rain is falling from above,
I see you all alone, soaked in pain.
I want to hear you,
what’s buried inside?
I will hold,
the things that make you smile.
Can I help,
to make you see the bright?
Can I stop,
and hug you tight?
The thoughts of you are pulling me over,
can’t let you drown, dying.
Let me be the boat,
to take you to the horizon.
Hold my hands in the darkest of days,
I will not leave you even when it’s too late.
Trust me like no one else,
and I will pull you out of this mess.
Your eyes are sad,
the world is shaken,
let me be the hope,
and rekindle what’s missing.
Black and white,
your life has become,
let me be the light,
to decipher the colors in disguise.
Of all the things,
you want to achieve,
there will be a day,
when you’ll be free.
#9 – Till everything falls apart: His Hatred
One of the intense poems about emotions that talks about a person and his faith in God. It depicts the misery and the emotions of the person who lost a close one and how his faith now is on the edge of being broken.

I believed
in the good and the bad times,
spent countless nights
praying to you,
because death was the cruellest thing
that you could bring home to.
Then, one night it all began,
and my heart screamed like a howling lion.
You took away
what was most valuable to me,
and it was all over for me.
I tried to find my heart,
but it was on the floor,
torn apart.
I was that you despised,
and that dreadful night,
became my life.
My presence
was left meaningless
by your blessing,
and I didn’t even know
how to deal with the suffering.
Left alone,
a life of ruth,
I’ve burned
to find the truth.
I have been to hell
if you’re listening,
just answer me,
why always it has to be me?
My prayers
never fall on your ears,
I try to push my limits,
but can’t find the peace here.
I know
you don’t want me anymore,
because I am just a dirt
to be swept on your floor.
You hate me,
and smile on these scars,
the faith I gave up,
to see everything fall apart.
#10 – Apocalypse: Death At Work
A poem on war and death. It talks about the destruction and massacre that “Death” brings as part of the war. The poem showcases the emotions and misery of a soldier when known people around him die.

There is no escape,
you always come back
and cut me through.
It always seems
like an everlasting rain,
I dream of the sunny skies,
but am drenched in pain.
You’ve taken
what’s left in me,
my heart is cold
and the mind in disbelief.
All the world around me
has fallen apart,
you bring the apocalypse,
and dig my scars.
The flowers on the windows
have wilted,
an eternal eclipse of you
has brought sickness.
You laugh at the misery,
you have no empathy,
you feed on the weak,
and you know no mercy.
Will your thirst ever end?
Will you ever bend?
I stopped praying
when you became a known enemy,
I feel nothing
when you stand in front of me.
Why am I the one
to see all of this carnage?
Why do you take away my words
and leave me in this mess?
The destruction you bring
is too much to take,
I put up a face,
but the sanity underneath me fades.
I know,
I can’t stop you,
you’re stronger
than anything in this world,
though you obey
what he says,
but don’t run down
and devise such a massacre.
Give me a reason
for this miserable life?
Give me a reason
why I can’t die?
Give me a reason
why I can’t be free?
Give me an end
that I want to see.
Show me the peace
I’ve been trying to find all my life,
because every time we cross paths,
you gift a grave where my loved ones lie.
And, that’s the wrap-up. These are our top 10 poems about emotions published on TUC. Let me know which one tops your list.
Check out more poems on TUC.
Also, check out our listicle blogs:
- 5 best poems on pain – The Unprecedented Cult
- 10 best poems on depression – The Unprecedented Cult
- 6 best poems on life and death – The Unprecedented Cult
- 5 best poems about the broken heart – The Unprecedented Cult
- 10 best poems on hope – The Unprecedented Cult
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